Amaranth family
A family of mostly annual herbs occurring in the tropics and warm temperate regions, and as weeds in cooler regions (Amaranthaceae 1).
The leaves are entire, opposite or alternate. The small flowers are borne in dense, spike-like cymes. Each flower with 3 -5 green or brightly coloured perianth segments, 1-5 stamens and a 1-celled ovary, which forms a small dry fruit.
There are about 70 genera.
A number of Amaranthus species is used as a leaf vegetable, but especially in Central and South America some species are cultivated for their seeds which are used as a pseudo-cereal.
Described species
Amaranthus sp., amaranth
Amaranthus caudatus, see Amaranthus sp.
Amaranthus leucopardis, see Amaranthus sp.