Familia Guttiferae

Mangosteen family
(= Family Clusiaceae)

A family of shrubs and trees occurring mainly in the tropics (Guttiferae 1).
The leaves are simple and opposite and often have oilglands. Flowers solitary or borne in inflorescences, unisexual or bisexual, sepals and petals cyclic or in spirals, with many stamens and a superior ovary. The fruit is a capsule or a berry, occasionally a drupe.
There are about 40 genera.

The family yields timber, gums, resins and dyes. The genus Garcinia provides edible fruits, like the higly esteemed mangosteen.

Described species
Garcinia mangostana, mangosteen
Garcinia dulcis, see Garcinia mangostana
Garcinia xanthochymus, mundu, see Garcinia mangostana
Garcinia livingstonei, imbe, see Garcinia mangostana
Mammea americana, mammey apple, see Garcinia mangostana