Hyphaene thebaica

Doum palm

Family Palmae (or Arecaceae)

Hyphaene thebaica, the doum palm (H. thebaica 1), is the only palm having a branched stem (H. thebaica 2). It is a dioecious palm, up to 15 m high, with fan-shaped leaves and much-branched inflorescences in the axils of the lower leaves. The fruit is a dry indehiscent drupe, brown, about 7 cm long.

The doum palm occurs in the drier parts of Africa, the Middle East and India (H. thebaica 4). The ancient Egyptians considered the palm sacred and many seeds have been found in ancient tombs.

Young leaves are plaited in strips and used for mats, baskets etc. The fruit is edible and may be ground into a meal that is made into cakes. The seeds (H. thebaica 3) are extremely hard and used as vegetable ivory for the production of buttons, beads etc.