Amaranthus sp.


Family Amaranthaceae

Amaranthus sp., amaranths (Amar. sp 1), are herbaceous annuals with simple leaves and small inconspicuous flowers, arranged in dense spikes (Amar. sp 6). The entire leaves are green (Amar. sp 2) or red (Amar. sp 3).

Several species of amaranths are locally used as spinach in different parts of the tropics. Usually they grow wild as weeds in cultivated soil and occasionally plants are deliberately sawn.
Some species, especially Amaranthus leucopardis (Amar. sp 4) are grown for their seeds (Amar. sp 5) in various parts of the tropics, especially in Central America and the Andean region of South America. This grain amaranth has been an important grain crop in Mexico. The Aztec emperor Montezuma received an annual tribute of 200.000 bushels of amaranth seed. The decline in production in post-Columbian times is partly due to suppression by the Spaniards because of its important role in Mexican religious ceremonies.