Bixa orellana


Family Bixaceae

Bixa orellana, annatto (B. orellana 1) (B. orellana 4), is a shrub up to 5 m high, with heart-shaped leaves and large pentamerous pink flowers (B. orellana 5) with numerous stamens in erect terminal panicles. The fruit is a capsule, about 5 cm large, covered with soft spines (B. orellana 2), with numerous seeds, each with a thin vermilion skin (B. orellana 3).

The dye annatto is obtained from the pulp round the seeds by macerating them in water. It contains the carotenoid bixine. This is used chiefly for colouring foodstuffs like butter, margarine, cheese and chocolate, and is also applied in cosmetics. Indians in tropical South America used annatto for decorating their bodies.