Family Chenopodiaceae
Spinacea oleracea, spinach (S. oleracea 1), is an annual herb from the temperate regions, grown for its young leaves that are eaten as a vegetable. When not cut, spinach plants easily run to seed, producing a leafy stem of about 60 cm tall with small green unisexual flowers, the male ones in clusters on long terminal spikes; the female ones often axillary.
The cultivated spinach is supposed to be derived from the wild Spinacea tetranda, occurring in western Asia. Spinach is widely cultivated (S. oleracea 4) in temperate regions. It is rich in proteins and vitamine A.
Two varieties are distinguished: summer spinach (S. oleracea 2) with round leaves and globular seeds, and winter spinach (S. oleracea 3) with triangular leaves and prickly seeds.
Spinach leaves are eaten as a boiled vegetable and in soups. Large quantities are canned and frozen.